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The publication of live national results and seat projections, will start on Sunday 9 June from 6 pm. A first aggregated projection of the composition of the European Parliament can be expected shortly after 8 pm.

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The GREENS/EFA are a driving force in European politics. Check our new website to discover what we achieved during the last five years and what we will keep on fighting for during the next legislative period in order to defend your interests and your rights across Europe.

Debriefing of the April Plenary Session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the Common Agricultural Policy, the Gender-Based Violence Directive, the EU Forced Labour Regulation, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, Right to Repair and Ecodesign, economic governance reform, rule of law in Hungary, anti-money laundering and the EU Ethics body.

New EU Ethics Body essential for accountability & integrity

The European Parliament will vote on the agreement reached on the joint creation of a new EU Ethics Body. The Greens/EFA Group have long been calling for an EU Ethics Body to help improve the integrity and accountability of the EU institutions.

EU Parliament continues to support big Agri over small and medium farmers

Members of the European Parliament approved the Commission's legislative proposal from the 15th of March to abolish, exempt or derogate from the environmental standards governing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Final report on Hungary shows damning picture on rule of law & EU’s response

MEPs will vote on the final report of this mandate on the situation surrounding the rule of law in Hungary. This is the first resolution that takes a look at the recent Sovereignty Law proposed by the ruling Fidesz party and provides a comprehensive overview of developments in the country since 2022.

EU adopts groundbreaking Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

Members of the European Parliament adopted the long awaited Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The directive is a milestone for responsible business conduct as for the first time the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights will be codified into EU law.

New anti-money laundering rules victory in the fight against criminals & corruption

Members of the European Parliament will vote on the agreements on a series of laws that will ramp up the EU’s fight against money laundering. The Anti-Money Laundering package will see the creation of a new EU AML Authority (AMLA), and update and widen the scope of existing rules to close down loopholes for money laundering in Europe.

Vote on EU's fiscal rules ignores scars of financial crisis & will lead to more austerity

MEPs will vote on the reform of the EU’s economic governance framework, otherwise known as the fiscal rules. The Greens/EFA Group have long argued for budgetary rules that prioritise people and planet over fiscal hawkishness.

Parliament to vote through criminalisation of gender-based violence across the EU

Members of the European Parliament will debate the final negotiation outcome of the Gender Based Violence Directive. The vote will take place tomorrow. This historic and first of its kind directive is expected to be adopted with a large majority. It is the first ever piece of EU legislation on violence against women and domestic violence.

MEPs adopt Ecodesign and Right to Repair Regulations

MEPs voted in favour of the Right to Repair and the Ecodesign Regulation. These long-awaited victories will revolutionise our consumption habits, not only by extending the lifespan of consumer products, resulting in substantial savings for consumers, but also by paving the way for the creation of numerous jobs, and saving billions in energy and raw materials.

EU expected to ban products made with forced labour

Members of the European Parliament will debate the “Regulation on Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the EU market”. The plenary vote will take place tomorrow. This new legislation marks a crucial step towards putting human rights at the core of the EU’s trade policy and the single market.

Eating Greens

We have put together this delicious cookery book. It contains 50 favourite recipes from Greens/EFA Members of European Parliament and invites you to try them yourself. There are also practical tips on food waste and EU agricultural policy explained for everyone.

Without farmers, there’s no food

Farmers work hard to provide us with food. Day in, day out, with hardly any holidays or breaks. We all know that - and that is why they deserve to earn a decent income.

Right now, farmers are in distress. The profiteering in our food-system has reached its limits, with powerful agri-companies and supermarket chains making billions while most farmers struggle to make ends meet.

Politicians that pretend there is a contradiction between nature and farming are trying to hide their own failure. They are lying. There is no contradiction - farming and nature can only work hand in hand. Farmers know that in their hearts. And it is up to us to make that possible.


Two women facing security cameras mounted on wall above / CC0 Matthew Henry
Two women facing security cameras mounted on wall above / CC0 Matthew Henry
making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration